Paul Legault is a New York-based writer. Projects include books, screenplays, translations, exhibitions, and publishing.
LATELY ↝ Blind Dates Recursive 05 at Dia Beacon ↝ Los Otros Poemas translated into Spanish by Berta García Faet, published by Kriller Editions ↝ "excerpt from The Walt Whitman Reader" in A Great Gay Book published by Abrams ↝ "The Moon" for Rachel Stern's One Should Not Look at Anything published by Matte ↝ Afterword for Ian Lewandowski's My Man Mitch published by Kult Books ↝ "How John Ashbery Thinks" on Lit Hub ↝ "The Gift of Muntadhar al-Zaidi" for Poetry Society of America's In Their Own Words ↝ "Go On" & "Us Islands" for Changes ReviewMy Tender Buttons Gertrude Stein text generator
His books include The Tower from Coach House Books, Lunch Poems 2 from Spork, Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror 2 from Fence, The Emily Dickinson Reader: An English to English Translation of The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson from McSweeney's, The Other Poems: a series of 14-line plays also from Fence, and The Madeleine Poems from Omnidawn.
Paul is interested in translation as a generative practice for creating original works of writing and art.
ALSO IN PRINT ↝ "The Sky That Isn't" translation in To look at the sea is to become what one is: An Etel Adnan Reader for Nightboat Books ↝ "What the Translator Has to Do" in Corrected Slogans: Reading and Writing Conceptualism for Triple Canopy ↝ "[not from] [not a] [not the place where they leave them alone]" in The Animated Reader: Poetry of Surround Audience for the New Museum
Previously, he was a poetry editor at Fence. With Sharmila Cohen and Lauren Hunter, Paul co-edits Telephone and is co-editor of The Sonnets: Translating and Rewriting Shakespeare published by Nightboat Books.
As a periodical, Telephone presents a new foreign poet in each issue, with multiple translators ↝ Excerpts from its first issue, featuring the German poet Uljana Wolf, were reprinted in Harper’sTelephone #3 functioned as the catalog, printed with Ugly Duckling Presse, for Telefone Sem Fio, a show presented with the EFA Project Space, featuring the work of Brazilian concrete poet Augusto de Campos.
From 2013-2015, Legault served as Writer in Residence at Washington University in St. Louis, teaching in the English department, alongside Mary Jo Bang and Carl Phillips.
COLLABORATION ↝ What Dorothea Did w/ Edo Rosenblith for Dikembe Press ↝ Tennessee Williams’s Room w/ Joseph Kaplan at the Fort Gondo Compound for the Arts ↝ MALL WITCH w/ Andrew Durbin, Ben Fama, & Joseph Kaplan for Wonder
ALSO ↝ "A Step Away from Them" reprinted by Poetry Daily ↝ "Gay Orgy" & "New Basket" featured in PEN America's Poetry Series ↝ "No Cares Liza" in The Baffler ↝ "Not Heat Flames up and Consumes" in Ain't Bad A Brief Anthology of Quotations for Vice ↝ "The Tower" audio recording for Said to Be Dreaming
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